Saturday, February 18, 2012

Something New...Fill in the Blank Friday!

Hey guys! I'll continue posting about Shanghai (don't worry), but I'd like to introduce you all to a fun thing that I've been thinking of doing for a while now. And that is Fill in the Blank Friday. I realize it's not Friday anymore, but I am going to start it today and try to be on time each week from now on. You can find the original source at Lauren's blog, so check it out sometime!

1.  The love of my life is   that's tough. I'm really focusing on me right now, which is why I'm not in a relationship right now and haven't been in one for a while. That may sound selfish but there is a lot of self-acceptance to do before I can accept someone else into my life on that level.

2.   Falling in love is   not simple, and it's not a game.

3.  Marriage is   something I'm still not sure of.

4. The longest relationship I've ever had was  four months, and it was in high school. If the length of the relationship is any indication of its importance, clearly we didn't have our priorities set at that time in our lives.

5. The key to a good relationship is  honesty and trust, along with understanding and compassion.

6. I feel loved when   someone goes out of there way to bring me happiness, even if it's just a short text message or call.

7.  My favorite quote about love is  "Love comes to those who still hope even though they've been disappointed, to those who still believe even though they've been betrayed, to those who still love even though they've been hurt before.”

Enjoy the rest of your weekend everyone! :)

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