Not Yet Started
In Progress
Go to South Korea
Make a spontaneous day trip
Visit Boston
Go to Nigeria
Go to Antigua and Barbuda
Go to DC again
Take a picture with all 7 Wonders of the World
Go back to the Netherlands
Fly on a Korean airline
Go to Dubai
Go to Ireland
Go to India
Go to Dubai
Go to Ireland
Go to India
Take the GRE
Receive a Master of Public Health
Become fluent in Chinese
Perfect French
Intern with the Department of State
Study/intern abroad
Finish the list of 50 banned books
Read the news every day for a month
Read the news every day for a month
Drink only water for one week
Go to a hot yoga session
Tone up my muscles
Do 100 sit-ups, 3 times a week, for six weeks
Donate blood regularly
Sign up for the bone marrow registry
Finish a half marathon
Go canoeing
Find a new hobby
Get into photography
Fill a stack of post-its with inspirational messages and leave them places
Cook a fancy meal
Clean out my closet and give away clothes
Clean out my room and donate everything I'm not using
Attend a music festival
Go horseback riding again
Fall in love.
Tell my friends I love them every day for a week
Tell my friends I love them every day for a week
Watch the sunrise with someone important
Sing karaoke
Write my future self a letter (via
Watch the sunset
Project 365
Sit by a window in a café on a busy street and people-watch for a whole day
Try 30 of Julia Child's recipes, one being boeuf bourguignon
Learn how to cook a full traditional Italian meal, start to finish